I spent most of this morning's sick-day lounging around my parents' basement, catching up on Supernatural. A little concerned about the fact that SAM has somehow become the sex symbol in that show. But while I was watching, I also pimped out the blogroll for this page, joined BlogHer, and registered on Blog to Lose. Because, really, even when I'm sick, it drives me crazy to do absolutely nothing. So just sitting still is a compromise.
ON Topic:
Part of this blog project is going to be to track what I eat and how I exercise each day... in hopes of not only keeping me honest about, but also just plain aware of, what I eat each day.
Breakfast: Steak n Shake's sausage sourdough breakfast sandwich
Snack: A handful of York peppermint patty bites, less than a handful of cheese popcorn
Lunch: Bowl of Campbell's soup, 3 Hawaiian rolls
Snack(s): Popsicle (hello, for the throat)
Dinner: easiest Bacon Chicken recipe ever -> bbq bacon chicken, small helping of mashed potatoes, mini-Christmas tree cookies (a handful)
Snack: Raspberry yogurt with granola
Exercise: 20 minutes of Just Dance
Whenever my family goes on vacation together or embarks on a new adventure, one of the questions we always ask is "high/low?" - as in, what was your high today? what was your low?
My low today was definitely trying to get S-Baby to eat the dinner that I'd prepared. He's apparently not a fan of the BBQ sauce. Or, really, chicken in general. He did like the mashed potatoes and cookies, as evidenced by the fact that he ate some and then smashed them together and rubbed them into his hair. And then dinner was over. I guess it wasn't a LOW low, though; it was just frustrating to (unsuccessfully) try to keep him from, you know, either throwing the food on the floor or mashing it into his hair.
But my favorite part of the day has to have been the last hour or so - the raspberry yogurt/granola combo and the dancing. I haven't done Just Dance since early summer (or maybe even late spring?). I'd forgotten how much flat-out fun it is to listen to the music and just rock it out a little. I get so caught up in the Mama-ing sometimes that I forget to take time to do the things that I enjoy without my favorite munchkin too.
I'm going to take your lead and blog my food + journal today.
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