Without getting too dramatic, life has changed a LOT for me.
My kiddo has gone back to living with his bio-parents (who seem to be on an anti-phone-calls kick), I'm finishing up my PhD in about a month, and I'll be moving to Wisconsin to teach. This is very much a transition summer.
In the past month, I have lost 18 pounds. That is rocking cool, and I'm looking to keep the weight off and lose at least 40 more by the start of school at the beginning of September.
In order to do that successfully, I have a plan. Because that's how I roll.

1. Meet with nutritionist five times over the past two months. Check.
2. Restart with Weight Watchers - ie, go back to meetings.
3. Structure my eating a little bit more - 2 Weight Watchers smoothies/day, 3 prepared meals/day, 5 veggies/day - until I get my weight a bit more under control. Many of these veggies will come from my favorite farmer's market.
4. Exercise 5 times/week.
5. TRACK my food and exercise.
More to come...