
Taking It Back

I am taking back control of my health.

I am done being a wuss.

Tomorrow, BodPod at the gym. Workout. Weight Watchers.

Next week, a meeting with a new doctor and an appointment with a dietician.

The following week? My first session with a personal trainer.

Enough is enough.


New Start

I feel like I'm constantly looking for a way to get a fresh start lately.

I've not had much luck with the new planners that I've been finding, in part because S-Baby keeps drawing all over them. And I, for some reason, want a clean new planner. Metaphorically.


sick days

It is freaking A.MA.ZING what being sick does for one's eating habits.

Yesterday, I had cookies, eggs, and toast. And then threw them up. A lot.

Today? Toast and chicken noodle soup.

Crossing my fingers that tonight's pot-roast works out.