
healthy girl 101

Since my last blog, I've had a lot of ups and downs, weight-wise and life-wise.

Without getting too dramatic, life has changed a LOT for me.

My kiddo has gone back to living with his bio-parents (who seem to be on an anti-phone-calls kick), I'm finishing up my PhD in about a month, and I'll be moving to Wisconsin to teach. This is very much a transition summer.

In the past month, I have lost 18 pounds. That is rocking cool, and I'm looking to keep the weight off and lose at least 40 more by the start of school at the beginning of September.

In order to do that successfully, I have a plan. Because that's how I roll.


Here it is:
1. Meet with nutritionist five times over the past two months. Check.
2. Restart with Weight Watchers - ie, go back to meetings.
3. Structure my eating a little bit more - 2 Weight Watchers smoothies/day, 3 prepared meals/day, 5 veggies/day - until I get my weight a bit more under control. Many of these veggies will come from my favorite farmer's market.
4. Exercise 5 times/week.
5. TRACK my food and exercise.

More to come...


Taking It Back

I am taking back control of my health.

I am done being a wuss.

Tomorrow, BodPod at the gym. Workout. Weight Watchers.

Next week, a meeting with a new doctor and an appointment with a dietician.

The following week? My first session with a personal trainer.

Enough is enough.


New Start

I feel like I'm constantly looking for a way to get a fresh start lately.

I've not had much luck with the new planners that I've been finding, in part because S-Baby keeps drawing all over them. And I, for some reason, want a clean new planner. Metaphorically.


sick days

It is freaking A.MA.ZING what being sick does for one's eating habits.

Yesterday, I had cookies, eggs, and toast. And then threw them up. A lot.

Today? Toast and chicken noodle soup.

Crossing my fingers that tonight's pot-roast works out.


Stranded at Starbucks

So. I've been off-plan for a while. But I'm BACK, baby.

And even though I am the Queen of Starbucks today, I'm still on plan. Mostly because I imported lunch from Subway next door.

Tacky, tacky.

I know.

BUT I'm on plan, so I don't care.

Bwa ha ha...


Salad Days

Today was amazing.

I ate two salads.
Reworked over 7,000 words of the dissertation.
Finished grading for most of a class.
Had dinner with a friend and her kiddo (and S-Baby).
Went to Target.
Fell asleep by 8:30 or so.

And then... I woke up with pink eye. Again.

But did you read about the salads?


weighty times

Sigh. Life is so difficult sometimes, for so many people. You know, I sit here and think about my world and my problems. And, let’s be honest, sometimes I wallow a little. Flying to NY was difficult last week - the seats were constrictive, and I wasn’t super thrilled with being stuck on the runway for almost two hours - TWICE! - in planes that were packed to the gills with people.

But then I came home to find that the brother of one of my dear friends had been killed in a car accident, and I can’t even imagine her grief. It tears at my heart to even breathe the thought of being in her position.

And another friend is trapped in a body that has begun to fail him because of the MS that he’s been carrying in his system for nine years - and he’s just an amazing person with so much life and energy that it’s hard for him to be in this position.

We all carry the weight of our souls with us; I forget, sometimes, just how heavy that can be.